4 Industries that Are Slowly Being Transformed by the IoT
In 1999, Proctor and Gamble innovation and consumer expert Kevin Ashton was the first person to coin the term “Internet of Things.” Even Ashton probably never imagined how disruptive this future technology would be. Smartphones hadn’t even been invented yet, but he was already starting to see signs that technology would be more connected than any other time in human history. As a young high school student at the time, I began making similar predictions the year before Ashton coined the term. Of course, my visions mostly revolved around the impact this future technology would play in my personal life and those of other customers around the world. My 14-year-old self didn’t think much about the implications for businesses on a global scale. Most other analysts have also restricted their forecasts to the best custom essay consumer market. They have only recently begun to discuss the substantial impact the IOT will have on SMEs and multinational corporations. As the IOT becomes more main...